Father Time, 2013, and Yoga
Father Time has gone full circle once again. Being a traditional time to make a list of resolutions, it is a good idea to reflect. Do you feel you're on the right path? Are you happy with your daily life? Do you have dreams to push you forward? Or, are you in a stalemate...not sure what to do or even think about doing? Time has a mysterious way of moving quickly or quite slowly. It depends on what is going on in the mind. What goes on in the mind depends on you. Father Time fades away when you're in the zone of doing what you love. Take a great yoga class, for example. The energy is good, you're focused on each move and breath, things are just flowing...and before you realize it...you're getting up from a delicious Shavasana. You stare at the clock and wonder where the 75 minutes went! All you know is that time seemed to cease to exist. And, it did. You took the road of Now. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. We can try to predict the future, but i...