Father Time, 2013, and Yoga
Father Time has gone full circle once again. Being a traditional time to make a list of resolutions, it is a good idea to reflect. Do you feel you're on the right path? Are you happy with your daily life? Do you have dreams to push you forward? Or, are you in a stalemate...not sure what to do or even think about doing? Time has a mysterious way of moving quickly or quite slowly. It depends on what is going on in the mind. What goes on in the mind depends on you.
Father Time fades away when you're in the zone of doing what you love. Take a great yoga class, for example. The energy is good, you're focused on each move and breath, things are just flowing...and before you realize it...you're getting up from a delicious Shavasana. You stare at the clock and wonder where the 75 minutes went! All you know is that time seemed to cease to exist. And, it did. You took the road of Now.
We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. We can try to predict the future, but it is just a guess. There are a plethora of articles giving advice on how to make your list. Over the years, I have made my lists and saved them. What I have found is that the few things that came from the heart got crossed off and things that mentally felt like chores did not. And, some things took a little longer than a year to manifest. But, the timing was right.
The most gratifying "checked off" achievements involved pursuits that ultimately have helped others. Helping others helped me. It goes full circle. That won't change....only grow.
2013 is going to be a great year to focus on growth. Mother Nature reveals the magic of growing while appearing still to the impatient eye. A seed is planted, watered and left alone. Then, sometime when no one was looking, a young sprout breaks ground. The energy of what the seed of the plant is to be keeps it growing. Next thing you know, the plant expands itself in all dimensions...perfectly, without resolution. It just wants to grow and only be what it can be best...itself.
If you do not have a dream or passion to pursue, now is a great time to determine one. As kids, we would dream of all kinds of crazy things...like being a famous writer, a professional in some sport, an astronaut or a ballerina dancer. By God, some of those kids actually made it happen. But, it was not an overnight event. It took work, patience, faith, and relentless perseverance. You do not have to be a kid to dream and it is never too late. Some of the greatest accomplishments happened in people's latter half of life.
Lack of time or money is a common justification for not dreaming. A dream would not be as gratifying if it was simple. Take the deadline (in this case, a year) off some of your goals and see what emerges as you actively water it with action.When you practice the art of pursuing dreams without attachment of results, the unexpected emerges much like the seed in the soil. You might find what you thought you wanted lead you to what you really needed. Maybe that is what it is really all about.
Save the same old resolutions for the past. Losing weight, eating healthy, quitting smoking and exercising x number of times a week comes and goes. These are conscious, active efforts that demand your effort at sometimes a minute by minute basis. You can do it if you really want to. Let the intentions list be one that inspires you. You might even discover the energy of inspiration make the "other list" a bit easier!
Lastly, suspend the "out with the old, in with the new" concept. Everything new that exists came from the old. The wheel is still round. Fire can still be ignited by rubbing two sticks together. Art from centuries ago still inspire. The music of Mozart still moves. Words of profound individuals from hundreds and hundreds of years ago are still relative to us today. We still dream. We still fall in love. We still have hope.
Father Time is timeless. Mother Nature is ever evolving. Together, they offer us the wisdom and beauty to nourish the seed within our heart. Let it be what you love. The rest will fall into place at the right time.
Here's wishing you a healthy, happy, prosperous year!
Father Time fades away when you're in the zone of doing what you love. Take a great yoga class, for example. The energy is good, you're focused on each move and breath, things are just flowing...and before you realize it...you're getting up from a delicious Shavasana. You stare at the clock and wonder where the 75 minutes went! All you know is that time seemed to cease to exist. And, it did. You took the road of Now.
We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. We can try to predict the future, but it is just a guess. There are a plethora of articles giving advice on how to make your list. Over the years, I have made my lists and saved them. What I have found is that the few things that came from the heart got crossed off and things that mentally felt like chores did not. And, some things took a little longer than a year to manifest. But, the timing was right.
The most gratifying "checked off" achievements involved pursuits that ultimately have helped others. Helping others helped me. It goes full circle. That won't change....only grow.
2013 is going to be a great year to focus on growth. Mother Nature reveals the magic of growing while appearing still to the impatient eye. A seed is planted, watered and left alone. Then, sometime when no one was looking, a young sprout breaks ground. The energy of what the seed of the plant is to be keeps it growing. Next thing you know, the plant expands itself in all dimensions...perfectly, without resolution. It just wants to grow and only be what it can be best...itself.
If you do not have a dream or passion to pursue, now is a great time to determine one. As kids, we would dream of all kinds of crazy things...like being a famous writer, a professional in some sport, an astronaut or a ballerina dancer. By God, some of those kids actually made it happen. But, it was not an overnight event. It took work, patience, faith, and relentless perseverance. You do not have to be a kid to dream and it is never too late. Some of the greatest accomplishments happened in people's latter half of life.
Lack of time or money is a common justification for not dreaming. A dream would not be as gratifying if it was simple. Take the deadline (in this case, a year) off some of your goals and see what emerges as you actively water it with action.When you practice the art of pursuing dreams without attachment of results, the unexpected emerges much like the seed in the soil. You might find what you thought you wanted lead you to what you really needed. Maybe that is what it is really all about.
Save the same old resolutions for the past. Losing weight, eating healthy, quitting smoking and exercising x number of times a week comes and goes. These are conscious, active efforts that demand your effort at sometimes a minute by minute basis. You can do it if you really want to. Let the intentions list be one that inspires you. You might even discover the energy of inspiration make the "other list" a bit easier!
Lastly, suspend the "out with the old, in with the new" concept. Everything new that exists came from the old. The wheel is still round. Fire can still be ignited by rubbing two sticks together. Art from centuries ago still inspire. The music of Mozart still moves. Words of profound individuals from hundreds and hundreds of years ago are still relative to us today. We still dream. We still fall in love. We still have hope.
Father Time is timeless. Mother Nature is ever evolving. Together, they offer us the wisdom and beauty to nourish the seed within our heart. Let it be what you love. The rest will fall into place at the right time.
Here's wishing you a healthy, happy, prosperous year!