Private Classes
Like a compass, I am here to guide you using the fusion of the oldest forms of healing; touch, integration of breath work, movement and mindfulness.
*Sessions can last from 1-2 hours based on purpose and needs. First class involves an assessment of any medical, physical or emotional issues to determine best approach for client.
*Private sessions are by referral and for those ready to discover well-being/health/mindset is wholistic. Yoga stretches you to reveal answers to your mental list of W's...why? when? who? what? wow...I never knew.
*Prices are based on time, location and needs of client.
*I bring all the supplies...mat, blankets, props, music and more. You bring your presence.
*I have guided a full range of clients from professional athletes to physicians. All learned how to integrate the alchemy of breathing, meditation and movement for a balanced well-being.
*I have worked with clients with a variety of health challenges, ranging from cancer to strokes. Therapeutic yoga shifts the nervous system to "rest and digest" mode...the state the mind/body needs to heal.
*Thai yoga is not a massage, it is better. It is a magical shift of energies. It is offered as an isolated service or can be integrated in a continuous client's choice of elements to experience.
Inquiries can be sent to