Contrived Vs. Promiscuous Yogi

Read the word contrived and your brain probably thinks the words controlled, forced or lack of imagination. Even writing the word gives me a sense of feeling trapped. Not good. A sense of being contrived drains vitality of the initial purpose of anything. How can greatness be realized with a contrived mind? Mull over Shakespeare's words: “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” Which source of greatness resides along you?

Read the word promiscuous and your brain thinks with no boundaries. Negative connotation alerts light up; yet, intrigue lurks in the back of the mind. Boundaries are not black and white...they drift in the ever expanding gray area. Can't help but be mesmerized by the concept...even with instinctive qualms. It all depends on your definition of promiscuous. And what is wrong with a promiscuous mind? Meaning...a mind that thinks way beyond the box...a mind willing to take risks...a mind eradicating the assumed chapter of life series. Few things can have the comfort of familiarity and sweltering heat of a nomadic approach like sex.

But, we're not talking about sex (of course, you could apply the philosophy to your sex life if you want.)...we're talking about the practice of a yogi's the mat. Variety truly is one of life's best spices. Sameness can promote a lackadaisical approach in just about everything. If you let yourself wade in tepid waters too long, you just might pull your toes out of waters of opposing temperatures a bit too quickly. We miss out on a lot when we dismiss dreams based on civilized outlined timelines of accomplishment.

Personal example: I took an intense, awakening, and profound thai yoga course two years ago. To complete the process of training, a lot of practice, paperwork and studying had to happen. I started with a vengenance; yet, let it fade with excuses. I am actually guilty of momentarily thinking "what's the point of doing this...I'm 50...if I was younger...". That malignant thought process made me look in the internal mirror one morning and shake contrived thoughts out of my mind. I got busy doing what I set out to do and fucking did it to completion. Now, I have my certification and shake my head in disbelief that I procrastinated based on time. Won't happen again. How philosophically uncivilized to ponder quitting due to a number on a birth certificate. The most important door this course opened was my inspiration to keep climbing the proverbial and nobel moutain of dreams unrealized even higher. (Not to mention the people's lives I have been blessed to touch with this gift.)

If I had never set foot on the mat, my life and multiple others would be completely different. And, I can't say for the better. My intuition of learning multiple "styles" of yoga kept me from pigeon holing myself in one place. For some, one way is the best way. For me, I'd feel trapped...contrived in what I teach others. I confess, it is challenging not to question the benefits others glean from fixed routines. As for me, no style suits me fine. I prefer the amalgamated version of all. I do not want to contaminate the practice of yoga with a name. Stigma, assumptions, and boundaries assigned by the mental assumptions of others can pulverize the original purpose of yoga. It is to unite mind, body and spirit. Simple and complex...simplexity. Love the fusion of opposites.

To grow stronger in all aspects of being life nomadically...with no regrets at the end. Thinking without boundaries. Letting go of sophomoric qualms. Recognizing the beauty of assymmetry. Not allowing the mind to be mesmerized by imposed illusions; but, living your own chosen path of reality. I believe that is what differentiates a contrived yogi vs. a promiscuous one.

With that rhetorical re-defining of promiscuous...what type of yogi are you? More importantly, what source of greatness is in you and how do you plan to share it?


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