Embrace Simplicity
A yoga practice can appear complicated when a novice watches experienced yogis do their moves. It is understandable why one would hesitate getting on the mat. Not to mention the plethora of styles that are emerging on what seems a daily basis. The photos of serious twists and balance can push the "not me" button in the mind of one on the fence of giving yoga a try. Here's the deal...it is a practice. Start simple, stay simple . The more you practice, what appeared too complicated to even attempt will eventually join the ranks of what is simple in your practice. Practice to embrace the inner workings of the body as you immerse yourself in a move. It takes life experience to truly embrace the philosophy of "keep it simple." The word simplicity implies there are no bells and whistles to enjoy. One assumes simplicity lacks complexity; however, this assumption is wrong. It is the perceiver's choice to feel and absorb the details of what appears to lack substa...