Cells of Greatness Unite
Ever wonder what would happen if all the greatest minds, hearts and spirits of the past lived right now? Imagine. Jesus, Buddha, Confucious, Einstein, Helen Keller, Swami Vivekananda, Aristotle, Martin Luther King, Jr., Leonardo Da Vinci and whoever else you can think of lived now. All with distinct gifts and purposes. All driven by their gifts...driven by their desire to make a difference in the world until the day they died. Driven by their recognition that they are one among many....not THE one of all. We currently do have many people who do what they can to make a difference. Oprah, Dr. Frank Lipman, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, and many more. The list is long for it does not even scratch the surface of those who make a difference incognito. I haven't even mentioned the profound musicians of history that created music that can make your heart weep and smile...all in one song. Or, the writers of books or classic movies that have a message tha...