Calligraphy for the Brain
For many, practicing yoga is much easier than the practice of meditation. With yoga, you're focused on breathing and feeling the body navigate from pose to pose. Those two components are just about enough to get the "back seat driver" (your mind) to quiet down a bit. Get to Savasana and one of two things can happen. You're in the zone of surrender and keep the inner chatter down to a minimum or the voice slowly starts its relentless expression. Sound familiar? You're not alone. For many, the concept of meditation sounds great; however, when it gets time to make the effort to do it...well, that's another story. First issue is to determine how to actually do it. Google "meditation" and a long list of choices to consider trying pop up. There are guided meditations, chanting meditations, breathing meditations, walking meditations...and so on. Studies have shown how meditation can alter the brain frequencies ; thus, put you in a different state of mind....