Flow with the Music
There is a magical energy in music. I have my personal favorites; however, what "speaks" to me may not be what "speaks" to you. The key is to let what does resonate within you literally move you. Some yoga classes do not use music to assist in staying focused on the practice. Others play what is classified as "new age" music or songs without words...or, words in a language you do not understand. It's all good for those it "speaks" to in their practice. Experience different sounds...you are destined to hear something you did not know about or knew would move you. Being one who craves variety, I play a blend of music depending on the energy felt or needed at the moment. Not being too concerned about precision of moves, I find it rather liberating to flow with the music. To get on the mat, turn on some music that sings to the soul and just move with it. I consider it a dance on the mat. Plus, I am my best partner in this dance. There's n...