Blogger Savasana
As you progress in your yoga practice, your awareness of movement transcends from the mat. The physical practice is critical in keeping the body maintained; however, the less visible layers of Self start to become more apparent. Goals, desires, perspectives and sense of purpose change roles. Initially when one starts yoga, the concept of breathing and doing a good Dog is a dominant thought. Like all things, as time passes and practice improves, what was a chief focus falls from the forefront of intentions. Awareness of different muscles and joints needing focus emerge. Awareness of being present in all forms becomes easier. Awareness of intentions beyond the mat become almost like apparent flickers of light in the mind and heart. I love to write. I did not even think to start writing until three years after I started practicing yoga. I love to share what has worked for me with others. But, just as your practice do your efforts to fulfill an internal life purpose. In this...