Devour the Details of Yoga
Yoga truly has an unlimited scope of experiences awaiting to be discovered. It is normal to initially focus on the general concept of how to do the basic moves. Then, you have to remember to breathe; however, each practice helps the flow of breathing and moving in an integrated manner become easier. It takes practice to learn; however, just like most things, it will start to click and it become less intimidating. It is easy to forget the finer details of the experience when you are dwelling on the overall sequence of poses. This mindset tends to coincide with the general approach in living this day in age. Get the job done, e-mails answered, body fed, chill out when a spare moment appears and start all over again. Sound familiar? Don't worry, most of us are in the same boat. It is part of life; but it can be changed. Sometimes we get so busy getting the "to-do" list done, we overlook the details. Details really do matter. Let's dwell on one pose most commonly k...