Yoga Expands Everything
To start, learn, and truly experience the practice of yoga is a life changer. Being a writer of truth, I express what is true for me. Being a teacher of yoga, I have been graciously blessed to witness the changes that emerge over time for the people I share the journey with. It is so much more than getting to that "advanced" pose. It is more than being able to stay balanced longer. It is a practice that slowly integrates in your mind and heart. It expands your awareness beyond your initial capacity. Yoga ignites an inner calmness with conscious breathing. Your physical moves get those muscles lengthened and stronger. As the exterior gets stronger, strength and flexibility goes deeper. The skies become bluer, the grass greener, and the gift of life more beautiful. Passion for what speaks to your heart is ignited. Purpose of life extends beyond paying the bills. Life falls into place in a magical way full of synchronicity. As you learn to pursue physical "edges" or su...