My Life as a Yogi
I have been practicing yoga for six years and teaching for three of them. It is a journey of learning a new way to do a pose, seeing things from a different perspective and many other assortment of changes. When I teach my students, I read quotes, stories, or do sequences that generate the energy I sense is needed. Ironically, what I sense they need, I need too. Definitely a win-win situation. I recently learned that my calmness and approach to teaching gives the illusion that I am in a constant state of peace. After talking to a long term student and friend about some issues that were bothering me, she shocked me with the statement..."I can't believe you ever get angry"! I immediately purged a bunch of stuff that has been bothering me and saw the relief in her face that I get pissed off just like anyone else. I'm a yogi, not a saint. Whew...feels good to get that off my chest! Here's my revelation for this week: Unless you have become "enlightened", yo...