Is Reality Real or an Assumption?
Initially, the question the title asks may seem strange. Take a moment to detach from the random, unsolicited thoughts that constantly emerge in your mind. Ask yourself...what is my reality? It could be a long list of responsibilities and concerns to stay on top of; otherwise, left mishandled could lead to a perceived crash and unknown consequences. Or, your reality could be one that is less rigid and more of the present moment. The older you get, the less likely you are to be in the second bracket. I say, a balanced blend of both with a dash of taking steps into the unknown. The unknown is the things that occasionally cross the mind in the format of, "I wonder...". Better known as your dreams or undeveloped passions. To never step out of the boundaries of your "reality" is like a bird living in a cage. Always looking out through the bars...seeing only as far as it can...which is not far when in a cage. If your reality is primarily of negative influence, you can tak...