Conscious Living
The two words, conscious living , may seem redundant. But, before that thought solidifies in your mind, see if you practice the following actions. Think about each question before you instantly let the answer cross the mind. Consciously think, then wait for the answer to come. ~Do you see things as they really are or is your perception distorted by an unwillingness to see the truth? ~Are you open to learn something about yourself you assumed you knew from a different perspective? ~Are you truly aware of what guides you in making your choices in life or do have barriers? Conscious living requires one to be able to accept complete responsibility for all their actions. Very often, circumstances or other people are blamed for our negative experiences; however, how it is dealt with is a conscious choice. Life is not always easy. It is an early instilled habit that makes the mind worry about the future or hold onto the past. It is easier to keep the "facts" as you have learned them...