New Year Resolutions...Change

Every year, a lot of us make resolutions to stop or change something we are doing. The first few weeks is filled with the hope to make it happen; however, as the weeks pass, the resolutions tend to fade with time. Many tend to make the same resolutions year after year and nothing changes.

First of all, let's get rid of the word or mindset of resolution. To make a resolution to do something implies good vs. bad. Instead, set your intentions of what you dream to see happen. In order for a pursuit to manifest, there must be emotion behind the intention. Secondly, it must be envisioned as already in the process of happening. Third, it must be pursued from a positive angle.

For example, if you want to quit smoking; instead of saying to yourself that in 2010 you will work on quitting smoking, you will say that you are grateful to be a non-smoker. This twist of words tells your mind that you are a non-smoker and help in overcoming the initial physical challenges that will pass.

Forget the resolutions. Set your intentions and do what it takes to make them happen!


BBat50 said…
My dojo makes a big deal of personal goal setting. They also say that resolutions are poorly structured and useless. Useful goal setting that actual focuses and guides your life is a skill unto itself. In short, I agree
BBat50 said…
Val. Me back again. I was just going thru your website and found the quotes. Love them. So when I updated my blog, for the first time in a while, I included two quotes from my own experience that I use as personal mantras.

On another, purely technical note, why don't you put this blog on your website? It would be a tighter integration. If you need help with that, I can provide it.

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